EN-32 Ranger™ Count 3000 Series7.3 CommunicationThe scale is equipped with an RS232 interface (COM1) located under the Options Cover.Connecting the scale to a computer enables you to operate the scale from the computer, as wellas receive data such as displayed weight.7.3.1 Interface CommandsCommunicate to the scale using the command characters listed in Table 7-2 below.TABLE 7-2Command FunctionIP Immediate Print of displayed weight (stable or unstable).P Print displayed weight (stable or unstable).CP Continuous Print.SP Print on Stability.xS 0S: Turn off “Stable Only” menu item and allow unstable print. 1S: Turn on “StableOnly” menu item and only print stable print.xP Interval Print x = Print Interval (1-3600 sec), 0P turns auto print OFFZ Same as pressing Zero Key.T Same as pressing Tare Key.xT Download Tare value in grams (positive values only).Sending 0T clears tare (if allowed).PU Print current unit: g, kg, lb, oz, lb:ozxU Set scale to unit x: 1=g, 2=kg, 3=lb, 4=oz, 5=lb:ozxM Set scale to mode x. Sending only M will scroll to next enabled mode.PV Version: print name, software revision and LFT ON (if LFT is set ON).H x “text” Enter Header line, where x = line number 1 to 5, “text” = header text up to 24alphanumeric charactersF x “text” Enter Footer line, where x = line number 1 to 2, “text” = rear text up to 24alphanumeric characters\EscR Global reset to reset all menu settings to the original factory defaults(Escape key + ‘R’ Key)SNS x Switch to Platform x; 1 = Main Platform, 2 = 2nd Platform. (Only available when 2ndPlatform is connected)7.3.2 Connections for RS232The 9-pin female subminiature “D” connector COM1, is provided for interfacing to other devices.The pin connections are as follows:Active pins: PIN 2 = TXD, PIN 3 = RXD, PIN 5 = GroundFigure 7-2. RS232 Pins