Ranger™ 4000 Series EN 327.4 PrintoutsThe following sample print outs are generated by the Print button, “P” Command or alternateprint command. The content of the printout is defined in the Print Content menu item. Amaximum of 24 characters can be printed on each line.Weigh Mode PrintoutDescription Comment12.34 kg Result line If Printx Content Result is ON12.34 kg G Gross value line If Printx Content Gross is ON and a tare value is entered11.11 kg NET Net value line If Printx Content Net is ON and a tare value is entered1.23 kg T Tare value line If Printx Content Tare is ON and a tare value is enteredne printed> Information line If Printx Content Info is ONMODE: WEIGH Mode line If Printx Content Application Mode is ON. Into is ONWeigh Mode with Accumulation PrintoutDescription Comment12.34 kg Result line If Printx Content Result is ON12.34 kg G Gross value line If Printx Content Gross is ON and a tare value is entered11.11 kg NET Net value line If Printx Content Net is ON and a tare value is entered1.23 kg T Tare value line If Printx Content Tare is ON and a tare value is enteredN:4 Accumulation line If Printx Content Accu is AllMIN: 11.11 kg Accumulation line If Printx Content Accu is AllMAX: 14.85 kg Accumulation line If Printx Content Accu is AllPercent Mode PrintoutDescription Comment12.34 % Result line If Printx Content Result is ON12.34 kg G Gross value line If Printx Content Gross is ON and a tare value is entered11.11 kg NET Net value line If Printx Content Net is ON and a tare value is entered1.23 kg T Tare value line If Printx Content Tare is ON and a tare value is enteredREF WGT 0.012 kg Information line If Printx Content Info is ONMODE: PERCENT Mode line If Printx Content Application Mode is ONCount Mode Printout Description Comment12.34 PCS Result line If Printx Content Result is ON12.34 kg G Gross value line If Printx Content Gross is ON and a tare value is entered11.11 kg NET Net value line If Printx Content Net is ON and a tare value is entered1.23 kg T Tare value line If Printx Content Tare is ON and a tare value is enteredAPW: 0.012 kg Information line If Printx Content Info is ONMODE: COUNT Mode line If Printx Content Application Mode is ONCheck (Weigh) Mode PrintoutDescription Comment12.34 kg OVER Result line If Printx Content Result is ON, UNDER/ACCEPT/OVER12.34 kg G Gross value line If Printx Content Gross is ON and a tare value is entered11.11 kg NET Net value line If Printx Content Net is ON and a tare value is entered1.23 kg T Tare value line If Printx Content Tare is ON and a tare value is enteredUNDER TARGET 1.00 kg Information line If Printx Content Info is ONOVER TARGET 2.00 kg Information line If Printx Content Info is ONMODE: CHECKWEIGH Mode line If Printx Content Application Mode is ONDynamic Mode PrintoutDescription CommentFINAL WT: 12.34 KG Result line If Printx Content Result is ON12.34 kg G Gross value line If Printx Content Gross is ON and a tare value is entered11.11 kg NET Net value line If Printx Content Net is ON and a tare value is entered1.23 kg T Tare value line If Printx Content Tare is ON and a tare value is enteredLEVEL 10 Information line If Printx Content Info is ONMODE: DYNAMIC Mode line If Printx Content Application Mode is ON