Traveler™ ScalesEN-64.2.1 Setup Menu [S.E.t.U.PS.E.t.U.PS.E.t.U.PS.E.t.U.P.]The Setup menu contains the following sub-menus:Auto-Off [.AAAA----OFF.OFF.OFF.OFF.]: Auto Off settings: On OffOffOffOffSetting [On] will automatically turn the scale off after no activityis detected for 4 minutes.Span Calibration [SPANSPANSPANSPAN]: Uses two weight values: Zero and a value at or near thefull capacity of the scale. Span calibration should beperformed if the scale is repositioned or when the roomtemperature changes significantly.Linearity Calibration [LLLLinininin]: Uses three weight values: Zero, a mid-range value and fullcapacity. Generally this calibration is not required unlesstesting shows that the linearity error exceeds the linearitytolerance in the specification table. Accuracy of weights isimportant to maintain weighing integrity.4.2.2 Unit Menu [U.n.i.tU.n.i.tU.n.i.tU.n.i.t]Each Weighing Unit may be individually set to On or OFF.See Table 4-1 for the symbols associated with each Unit or Mode.4.2.3 Other MenusAdditional Menus are available if a serial interface option is installed in the scale. Thesemenus are explained within the user manual of each option kit.