VE Series Floor Scale EN-7VE SERIES FLOOR SCALE, INSTALLATION OF OPTIONAL FOOT PLATES AND RAMPSPlates are required for certifiable installations. Installation of each Ramp also requires the installation of one set of Foot Plates.Foot Plates are available separately and are included with the Ramp accessory kit. Refer to Figure 3 for mounting of the FootPlates and Ramps. Installation of Floor Plates and Ramps must be done before final placement of the Floor Scale.LEGEND: 1.Foot Plate, 2. Bolt, 3. Spring Washer, 4. Washer, 5. Expanding Bolt, 6. washer, 7. NutFigure 3. Optional Foot Plate and Ramp InstallationNotes: 1. Expanding bolts require 12.5mm diameter holes drilled 60mm deep into the floor surface.2. Foot Plate center to center dimensions W and L are shown in Table 4.3. The Floor Scale must be positioned so that the load cell feet rest within the large holes of the Foot Plates.4. Ensure that a free air gap exists between the sides of the Floor Scale and the edges of the Ramps.TABLE 6. DIMENSIONS FOR FLOOR PLATE AND RAMP INSTALLATIONDIMENSIONS (mm)RAMP FOOT PLATE CENTERSMODELSA B W LRamp for VE1500S/SW 1000 670 890 890Ramp for VE1500R/RW &VE3000R/RW 1250 670 1140 1140Ramp for VE1500L/LW &VE3000L/LW 1500 670 1390 1390