30 Océ CS 4040/4050 Installation ManualPerforming colour calibrationOnce you have installed the scanner and checked the camera alignment, aninitial colour calibration performed from the Océ Scan software beforescanning ensures long term stability of the linearity, colour balance, andchromacity of your scans. You need to repeat this operation only about onceevery two months of continuous scanning, or when the quality of scannedcolours becomes unsatisfactory.You must wait two hours after start-up for the scanner to reach its optimaltemperature. This operation requires the use of the basic calibration sheet andthe ANSI IT8 calibration sheet provided with the scanner. To perform graytone and colour calibration1 Start Océ Scan.2 From the “Scan” menu of the main window, select “Calibrate scanner”. Awizard screen appears to guide you through the calibration process.3 Insert the basic calibration sheet with the calibrated side facing down.4 Follow the instructions on the screen.Note: Cameras 1, 2, 3, 4 correspond respectively to A, B, C, D as labeledon the calibration sheets.5 Insert the the IT8 calibration sheet.6 Follow the instructions on the screen. The scanner performs the graytonecalibration for each camera, then the colour calibration for each camera.Note: When you finish calibration, put the colour chart back in its originalenvelope and store it in a safe, dry, cool, and dark place for future use. Youshould replace this colour chart when the colours become faded to avoidmis-calibrations.