About the Copied Data Processing Features 8VarioPrint 1105 8-29!DetailsIf a Password is configured for the box, the Password input screen ap-pears. Enter the Password.Press the [No. Search] key and enter a Box No. to search a box by BoxNo.. For more information, refer to “No. Search” on page 3-11.If you know the target file, press the [Direct Call] key to specify the loca-tion directly. For more information, refer to “Direct Call” on page 3-12.The output setting screen appears.4 Select a file from the list on the leftside, and press the [>>>] key.The selected file is added to the liston the right side.!DetailsWhen you select a file and press the[Thumbnail] key, a thumbnail of the se-lected file is displayed. For more information of Thumbnail, refer to“Thumbnail” on page 3-14.When you select a file and press the [File Check] key, detailed settings ofthe selected file are displayed.For more information on the keys on the setting screen, refer to “Aboutthe Recall Tab's Output Setting Screen” on page 8-31.5 Select [Wait Output], [Proof Output]or [Auto Output], and press the [OK]key.Hereafter, the Auto Output is ex-plained. For more information onWait Output or Proof Output, refer to“The flow of operation of the WaitOutput and Proof Output” onpage 8-33.The print quantity confirmation screen appears.