ES 1220n Macintosh OS X Operation • 76General Printing DirectionsWhat follows are descriptions of common printing issues common tothe Macintosh environment. This section does not attempt to coverall the options that might occur, but rather, the typical printingoperations that can benefit from detailed descriptions. The settingsselected here are document specific only; meaning, the settingselected will apply only to the current print job.You can also refer to your Macintosh online help or manual for furtherinformation.CollatingCollating can be carried out with or without a hard disk drive installed.However, installing an HDD will achieve greater performance.If the software application being used has a collate print option, it isrecommended to use only one collate option to prevent any conflictsin printing, i.e. collate from the software application or collate from theprinter driver.The following instructions explain how to select collating using aprinter driver.1. To access, first select your desired printer from an applicationusing File → Print..2. The Copies & Pages dialog box should already be displayed. Ifnot, then select Copies & Pages from the menu.