B930n User’s Guide> 129USING ETHER TALKThis section provides information on the possible causes, verifyingmethods and recommended actions pertaining to errors which mayoccur when the printer is used with EtherTalk. The printer is notPrintingCAUSE TREATMENTThe name (or thedefault name) ofthe printer hasbeen changed.Cause The Apple Talk function of the printername if it detects that a printer of thesame name exists on the network.Verification Check Chooser to confirm that theprinter name has been changed.Action Change the name of the printer orchange the name of the other printer toavoid duplicate printer names on thenetwork.Unable to obtaindesired printresults.Cause 1 The print language of the printer andthat of the print drawer are different.Verification 1 Check the print language set up for theprinter and that for the printer driver forMacintosh.Action 1 Ensure that PostScript and Adobe PS areset up as the print language for theprinter and printer driver respectively. Ifthe print language of the printer is thedump mode, the print data sent fromMacintosh will be output in hexadecimalnotations.Cause 2 The printer driver which came with theprinter is not set up on the Macintosh. Aprinter driver of another maker hasbeen used instead.Verification 2 Check the installation procedure for theprinter driver which came with theprinter again and confirm that theprinter driver is installed on theMacintosh. Check that the printer driverwhich came with the printer appears inthe Chooser.Action 2 If garbled characters are still printedafter the printer driver for the printerhas been selected, contact service. If aprinter driver of another maker is used,the printer may not print properly.