B930n User’s Guide> 36BASIC PRINTINGWhen you send a job to the printer, you should select the paper size,number of copies, orientation, and decide if you want the copiescollated. This can often be done from windows specific to yourapplication. The instructions in this section refer to setting theseoptions directly through the driver.SELECTING PAPER SIZEYou can select from a list of standard paper sizes.The most convenient way to enable this feature is by using yourPrinter Properties. You may also enable this feature at the OperatorPanel or by using the EWS.To select the paper size through your Printer Properties:1. Select the desired Paper Size from the Paper Size pulldown inthe Setup Tab of your Printer Properties.2. Click OK.SELECTING NUMBER OF C OPIESYou can select the number of copies to print via your PrinterProperties. When selecting the number of copies, you should alsodecide if those copies are collated.To select number of copies:1. Select the Job Options tab within your Printer Properties.2. Either enter the number of copies or select from thepulldown.3. Click OK.COLLATING COPIESWhen printing multiple copies of a job, the output can beautomatically collated if desired. When copies are collated, they areprinted in groups by the print job not by the page. If you do notselect the collate option, your copies will be printed by page. So, 10page number 1’s will print and then 10 page number 2’s will print.Collated jobs will print all pagesof the first copy and then all pagesof the next.