C5500n Userís GuideBooklets (Binding Print) ï 157Booklet Printing RestrictionsNOTESBoth the duplex unit and additional memorymust be installed and enabled in the driverbefore using booklet printing.Not available on some network connections: seethe Help file.Some software applications may not supportbooklet printing.The right-to-left setting allows a booklet to beprinted for right to left reading, which is used insome languages.Booklet printing is restricted to four (4) pagesper sheet [two (2) pages per side].Examples:ï print a 5Ω x 8Ω inch booklet on 8Ω x 11 inchpaperï print an 8Ω x 11 inch booklet on 11 x 17 inchpaperMost applications allow the printer properties tobe accessed from within the document printdialog box.Application settings override driver settings.Driver settings override printer menu settings.