C5500n Userís GuideLists of Available Settings by Menu ï 82Print MenuNotes:Factory default settings are shown in bold.Settings with a dagger (Ü) only appear when theappropriate option is installed.Item Settings ExplanationCOPIES 1 to 999 Enter the number of copies of adocument to be printed.DUPLEX Ü ONOFFEnables or disables duplex printing. ÜPAPER FEED TRAY1TRAY2ÜMP TRAYSelects the default tray for paper feed.AUTO TRAYSWITCHONOFFIf two trays contain identical printmedia, the printer can switch to analternate tray when the current trayruns out in the middle of a print job.TRAYSEQUENCEDOWNUPPAPER FEED TRAYSets the sequence in which the printerwill seek an alternate tray with thesame media size should the currentlyselected tray run out of media whileprinting a job.MP TRAYUSAGEDO NOT USEWHEN MISMATCHXXXIf a document to be printed demands apaper size not installed in the selectedtray, the printer can automatically feedfrom the Multi-Purpose Tray instead. Ifthis function is not enabled, the printerwill stop and request that the correctsize be loaded.MEDIACHECKENABLEDISABLESet to DISABLE if you do not wish theprinter to check to see if the size paperloaded in the selected tray matches thatrequired for the document beingprinted.