Printer settings in Windows> 45PERMANENT PRINT DOCUMENTSWith this feature you can create standard documents that youoften need to print and store them on your printer’s internal harddisk. You can then print them at any time without having to sendthem again from your computer.NOTEThis feature requires the optional internal hard disk.SENDING THE DOCUMENT TO PRINT1. From your application’s Print dialogue, select your printingchoices in the normal way, and then click the Propertiesbutton.2. In the driver window, on the Job Options tab and selectStore to HDD (1).3. In the small pop-up window which appears, enter a namefor this print job (16 characters maximum) and a 4-digitPIN using any combination of digits from 0 to 7 (do notuse 8 or 9), and click OK.4. Click OK again to close the driver window, and again toclose your application’s Print dialogue.The document will be sent to the printer’s hard disk but will notprint.11