C6100 Series Userís Guide105System Configuration MenuNote: Factory default settings are shown in bold.Items Settings ExplanationPOW SAVETIME5153060240Adjusts the time before the printerautomatically switches into power savingmode. In this mode power consumptionis reduced, but when a job is sent theprinter will require a warm-up time of upto 1 minute before printing can begin.CLEARABLEWARNINGONJOBWhen ON, non-critical warnings, such asrequests for a different paper size, canbe cleared by pressing the ON LINEbutton. When set to JOB, they are onlycleared when the print job resumes.MANUALTIMEOUTOFF3060Specifies how many seconds the printerwill wait for paper to be fed beforecancelling the job.WAIT TIMEOUT 5 to 300 SECDefault = 90secondsSpecifies how many seconds the printerwill wait when received data pausesbefore forcing a page eject.LOW TONER CONTINUESTOPSpecifies whether the printer shouldcontinue printing after a low tonercondition is detected. If you change thisto STOP, when low toner is detected, theprinter goes off line.JAM RECOVERY ONOFFSpecifies whether the printer shouldperform jam recovery after a paper jamhas occurred. If ON, the printer willattempt to print again any pages lost dueto a paper jam once the jam has beencleared.ERROR REPORT ONOFFChange this to ON if you wish the printerto print the error details when an erroroccurs.