C6150 Userís Guide17Driver Settings ____________________General InformationSelect the thickness/type of media on which you are printing aparticular job, to produce optimum print results. This settingoverrides the setting in the printer menu.If you are printing on a thick media such as card stock, be sureto select one of the thicker settings (Heavy, Ultra Heavy,Labels1, Labels 2) to get proper fusion of the toner to the pageand to prevent possible damage to the printer.If the Ultra Heavy setting does not give proper toner fusion,you can try the Label settings.The default printer menu setting is Medium.Choices are: Printer Setting, Light, Medium, Heavy, UltraHeavy, Labels1, Labels2, Transparency, Glossy, User Type 1,User Type 2, User Type 3, User Type 4, and User Type 5.ChoicesChoices are: Printer Setting, Light, Medium, Heavy, UltraHeavy, Labels1, Labels2, Transparency, Glossy, User Type 1,User Type 2, User Type 3, User Type 4, and User Type 5.Light16-19 lb. US Bond (64-74 g/m 2 )Medium20-27 lb. US Bond (75-104 g/m 2 )Heavy28-32 lb. US Bond (105-120 g/m 2 )58-67 lb. IndexUltra Heavy33-54 lb. US Bond (124-203 g/m 2 )68-113 lb. IndexIf the Ultra Heavy setting does not give proper tonerfusion, you can try the Label settings.Labels1For labels 0.1 to 0.169 mm thick.