C6150 Userís Guide28Envelopes ________________________General InformationEnvelopes can only be fed from the multi-purpose (MP /manual feed) tray.Envelopes can only exit the printer face-up (straight through,rear exit).RecommendationsEnvelopes.jpg1. Use only recommended envelopes.Oki 52206301 and 52206302For more information, see ìPrint Media, Okiì in yourHandy Reference Guide or www.okiprintingsolutions.com.2. Store envelopes flat and away fromï moistureï direct sunlightï heat sources3. Donít use envelopes withï windowsï metal claspsï self-sealing flapsï damp, damaged or curled paper envelopesCAUTIONPrint media must be able to withstand 446∞F(230∞C) for 0.2 second.