C9600 User’s Guide> 113PRINT SECURE JOBMENUSTRAY CONFIGURATIONITEM VALUE DESCRIPTIONEnter Password nnnn Enter a password to use secure printing.Not Found Use a secure printing job (Secure Job) ora job Stored to HDD when printing. Whenyou print a Secure document, it is deletedfrom the HDD. When you print adocument Stored to HDD, it prints andremains stored on the HDD until youmanually delete it.Not Found: (no jobs) is indicated whenthere is no output file.The following messages are displayedwhen there are printable files.Print: When you select Print, SetCollating Amount is displayed to enableyou to specify a number of copies. Afterspecifying the number of copies, pressEnter to print all jobs with the specifiednumber of copies.Delete: When you select Delete, you areprompted to recheck by Yes/No display,and selecting Yes deletes all jobs.Secure Job PrintDeleteITEM VALUE DESCRIPTIONPaper Feed Tray1Tray2Tray3Tray4Tray5MP TraySpecifies a feed tray.Indicated only whenTray2–5 implemented.Auto TraySwitchONOFFSets the automatic trayswitch function.Tray Sequence DownUpPaper feed traySpecifies selectionorder priority forautomatic trayselection/automatictray switch.Unit ofMeasureInch (L)mm (A)Specifies units forcustom paper size.