Introduction • 8IntroductionThe OkiLAN Internal Print Server is a fast 100BASE-TX/10BASE-Tnetwork interface.This network print server supports IEEE 802.2, IEEE 802.3,Ethernet-II and SNAP, and can detect those frame typesautomatically.It supports major protocols such as TCP/IP, IPX/SPX (NetWare),EtherTalk (Mac) and NetBEUI (Windows).The print server has a number of security features, includingSSL/TLS, IP Filtering, disabling unused protocols, etc. See Section3 for more information.Password protection ensures that the print server is safe fromunauthorized changes in settings. You can also restrict access bydisabling network services, protocols, and ports you are not using.You can limit access to specific authorized IP addresses as well.The SMTP feature allows you to have an E-mail sent to designatedaddresses when certain errors occur.Important!The network addresses used in this manual are shown forexample only. Network addresses used in your installation mustbe generated from your network administrator.NOTEFor multiple emulation printers, change the emulationin the Printer Menu settings to Auto or PS beforeprinting the self-diagnostic test and settings.