84 Appendix C: Priner Commands* OKI-Unique commandVertical Control (cont.)Set Line Spacing to n/216"Set Line Spacing to 7/144" *Set Line Spacing to n/72"Line feed compoundcommandPerform Line Feed Set byESC A n CommandVertical TabSet Vertical TabReset Vertical Tab toDefaultsMiscellaneousCancelChange Emulation *Paper-Out Sensor OnPaper-Out Sensor OffPrint Suppress Mode On,ML 320 TurboPrint Suppress Mode On,ML 321 TurboPrint Suppress Mode Off(either Model)Set Initial ConditionsIncremental print modeOn, OffSoftware I-Prime *Stop PrintingESC 3 nESC % 9 nESC A nESC DLE H Pno A1 A2P1 P2 P3ESC 2VTESC B n1 n2 nk 0ESC RCANESC { nESC 8ESC 9ESC Q STXESC Q STXDC1ESC [ K Ln Hn Init Id a1 a2ESC i nESC } 0ESC jIBM Function ASCII Code27 51 n27 35 57 n27 65 n27 16 72 Pno A1 A2P1 P2 P327 501127 66 n1 n2 nk 027 822427 123 n27 5627 5727 81 227 81 221727 91 75 Ln Hn InitId a1 a227 105 n27 125 027 106Decimal Code1B 33 n1B 25 39 n1B 41 n1B 10 48 Pno A1 A2P1 P2 P31B 320B1B 42 n1 n2 nk 01B 52181B 7B n1B 381B 391B 51 021B 51 16111B 5B 4BLn Hn Init Ida1 a21B 69 n1B 7D 00Hexadecimal Code