FONT CPI(OL410e)Appears if selected fontis scalable/fixed spaced10.00, 0.44 to 99.99 Select numberof charactersprinted in ahorizontal inch(pitch) whenscalable fontwith fixedspacing isselected. (0.01mmincrements).Characterheight (pointsize) adjustsaccordingly.FONT HGT(OL410e)Appears if selected fontis scalable/proportionalspaced12.00, 4.00 to 999.75 Select pointsize (height) ofcharacterswhen scalablefont withproportionalspacing isselected. (0.25mmincrements).Horizontalspacing adjustsaccordingly.SYMBOL ROMAN-8 Roman-8 is thestandard HPset.HP CART(OL400E) NONE, F,B HP fontcartridgedesignations.Select F or B toagree withsoftware orselect NONE.PAGE LAYOUT ORIENT PORTRT, LANDSCPLINES/PG 60 LNS, 5 to 128 LNS Select numberof lines onpage.OL400/410ex (96-02-03)