DLL BUFFOVERFLOWOFF Data in the DLLbuffer hasoverflowed.Press RECOVERto continue.Decrease amountof DLL fonts(WindowsTrueType) or installmore memory.MACROOVERFLOWOFF Data in the MacroBuffer hasoverflowed.Press RECOVERto continue.Decrease Macrosize or install morememory.Font CardMessagesCARDFORMATOFF Font card is notrecognized.Remove card andpower on torecover. NOTE:Install and removecard only withpower off.CARDERROROFF Card removedduring Menu orOn-Line status.Turn printer off,reinstall card, turnprinter on.ControllerErrorsERROR nnaaaaaaaaOFF Error occurred incontroller.nn = ExceptionCode. aaaaaaaa =Error Address.Turn printer off/onto recover. If errorcontinues, contactservice.ERROR nn OFF Indicates internalerror. nn = type oferror.Call Service ifturning the poweroff and on does notclear error.Interface Errors HOST I/FERROROFF Error in serial I/F.Displayed whenparity error, framingerror or overunerror is detected.Press RECOVERto release error.Check protocol ofhost and printer.Contact service.OL400/410ex (96-02-03)