EPSON Control Code Reference 4 ñ 15Combination Print ASCII Hexadecimal DecimalSelects a combination ESC ! n 1B 21 n 27 33 nof print modesBy changing the value of n in this command, you can set anycombination of the printing styles in the following table. Calculaten by adding up the values for the features you want to use. Eachfeature has a numerical value as follows:Feature ValueUnderline 128Italics 64Double width 32Enhanced 16Emphasized 8Compressed 4Proportional 2Elite (12 CPI) 1For example, to print underlined italics at 12 CPI, assign n thevalue 193 (128 + 64 + 1).Each time you send the ESC ! command, it sets or cancels thevalues for all nine of the features it controls. This means that if youhave requested 12 CPI underlined italics, and then want to addemphasized printing to the features, you must add 8 (the value foremphasized) to 193, and send the command as: ESC ! 201. Justsending ESC ! 8 would turn off all the other features as it turnedemphasized on.To see the range of print styles you can access with the ESC ! ncommand, run the following short BASIC program, which printsa sample of each possible combination. (Since the program printsall 256 combinations, it will take a few minutes and about 12 pagesfor the entire sample to print.)