57ENNotes regarding Guaranteemaintenance1 This Guarantee will only be valid if the GuaranteeCertifi cate is duly completed by Olympus or anauthorized dealer or other documents containsuffi cient proof. Therefore, please make surethat your name, the name of the dealer, theserial number and the year, month and date ofpurchase are all completed or the original invoiceor the sales receipt (indicating the dealer’sname, the date of purchase and product type) isattached to this Guarantee Certificate. Olympusreserves the right to refuse free-of-charge serviceif neither Guarantee Certifi cate is completednor the above document is attached or if theinformation contained in it is incomplete orillegible.2 Since this Guarantee Certifi cate will not be re-issued, keep it in a safe place.* Please refer to the list on the web site: http://www.olympus.com for the authorized internationalOlympus service network.TrademarksIBM is a registered trademark of InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation.Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarksof Microsoft Corporation.Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Inc.SDHC logo is a trademark.All other company and product names areregistered trademarks and/or trademarks of theirrespective owners.The standards for camera fi le systems referred toin this manual are the “Design rule for Camera Filesystem/DCF” standards stipulated by the JapanElectronics and Information Technology IndustriesAssociation (JEITA).••••••