114ENSaving files in your PCUsing the Olympus SonoritySaving files in your PCBy being connected to a PC, the recorderenables you to do the following:• Playback voice files on your PC (☞ P.134).Voice files recorded using the recorder canbe played using the “Olympus Sonority”software included on the provided CD-ROM(☞ P.123)or "Windows Media Player" (☞P.148).• Voice files recorded on the recorder can beplayed and managed on the PC using the“Olympus Sonority”.• Using the “Windows Media Player”, thestored WMA or MP3 files on your PC can betransferred and played back on this recorder(☞ P.151).• If an upgrade (Option) to the “OlympusSonority Plus” is executed or a MusicEditing Plug-in is added (Option), variousadditional functions can be utilized (☞P.146).Precautions on using the recorder connectedto a PC• When you are downloading a file fromthe recorder or uploading a file to therecorder, do not remove the USB cableeven if the screen is indicating you can.Data is still being transferred while the LEDindicator light is blinking. When removingthe USB cable, be sure to follow thedescription in ☞ P.122. If the USB cable isremoved before the drive is stopped, datamay not be successfully transferred.• On a PC, do not format the drive of therecorder. Initialization is not successfullyachieved on a PC. For initialization, followthe instructions in the [Format] display ofthe recorder (☞ P.97).• Folder (directory) names displayed byfile management tools such as Explorerin Microsoft Windows and Finder inMacintosh are different from the foldernames that can be set with the recorder orthe “Olympus Sonority”.• If folders or files stored on the recorderare moved or renamed by using afile management tool in Windowsor Macintosh, the order of files maybe changed or files may becomeunrecognizable.• Data can be written or uploaded to therecorder even though the attribute of therecorder drive is shown as Read-only bythe operating system of the PC.• As the noise may cause adverse effects onelectronics devices nearby the recorder,unplug the external microphone andearphone when you connect the recorderto a PC.Important notice on the explanation ofsoftware functionsFunction items that can be used in Windowswill be displayed as Windows and functionitems that can be used in Macintosh will bedisplayed as Macintosh . Items that only haveWindows or Macintosh indicated can only besupported by the target system.