156Drag & Dropfiles hereENTransferring music file to the recorderYou can transfer the music files saved in your PC to this recorder. For how to copy the musicfiles from the CD to your PC, please see “Copying music from CD” (☞ P.151).1 Connect the recorder to a PC, andstart iTunes.2 Select the play list to betransferred to the recorder, andput the check marks on the musicfiles that you want to transfer.• The order of music pieces can bechanged by Drag & Drop of the musicfile in the play list displayed.3 Double-click the correspondingdrive with the recorder, and open[Music] folder.• When you connect the recorder to aMac OS, it will be recognized by thedrive name of the product name onthe desktop.• Copy to [Music] folder of the recorderwhen transferring the music file.4 Select the desired files, and Drag& Drop them to [Music] folder.Using iTunesNote• Music files in the AAC format purchased from a music distribution service such as theiTunes Store cannot be played by this recorder.Using iTunes