1647ENOperating recorder in Audible modeThe operating method on the recorder is different in the Audible mode when the [Audible]folder or Audible file is selected, then while in the Normal mode.Enjoy Audible content with the recorderForwardingPress and hold the 9 button while therecorder is stopped.➥ When the button is released fastforwarding stops. The PlaybackPosition is not updated. When the`OK button is pressed playbackresumes from that position.Press and hold the 9 button whileplaying a file.➥ When you release the 9 buttonthe recorder will resume normalplayback.• If the starting position of a section (☞P.163) and the playback position are in themiddle of a file, the recorder stops at thatposition.• When the 9 button is held down whilethe recorder is stopped, the recordermoves to the end of the file and thenstops.If the 9 button is still held down,the recorder moves to the next file andcontinues fast forwarding from thebeginning of the file. After fast forwardreaches the end of the last file, therecorder stops at the beginning of the lastfile.• When the 9 button is held downduring playback and the end of the fileis reached, the recorder goes back to thebeginning of the file and stops.RewindingPress and hold the 0 button while therecorder is stopped.➥ When the button is released fastrewinding stops. The Playback Positionis not updated. When the `OK buttonis pressed playback resumes from thatposition.Press and hold the 0 button while playinga file.➥ When the button is released playbackresumes from that position.• If the starting position of a section (☞P.163) and the playback position are in themiddle of a file, the recorder stops at thatposition.• When the 0 button is held down whilethe recorder is stopped, the recorderreturns to the beginning of the file andthen stops. If the 0 button is still helddown, the recorder moves back to theend of the previous file and continues fastrewinding.• When the 0 button is held downduring playback and the recorder reachesthe beginning of the file, the recorderstarts playback from the beginning of thatfile.• If the 0 button is kept pressed whilethe recorder is stopped at the start ofthe top file, the recorder will fast rewindstarting from the end of the last file.Enjoy Audible content with the recorder