150 ENSAFETY PRECAUTIONS9• Using an exhausted battery may cause thecamera to turn off without displaying thebattery level warning.• If the battery’s terminals get wet or greasy,camera contact failure may result. Wipe thebattery well with a dry cloth before use.• Always charge a battery when using it forthe first time, or if it has not been used for along period.• When operating the camera with batterypower at low temperatures, try to keepthe camera and spare battery as warm aspossible. A battery that has run down atlow temperatures may be restored after it iswarmed at room temperature.• Before going on a long trip, and especiallybefore traveling abroad, purchase extrabatteries. A recommended battery may bedifficult to obtain while traveling.Using the wireless LAN function• Turn off the camera in hospitals and otherlocations where medical equipment ispresent.The radio waves from the camera mayadversely affect medical equipment, causinga malfunction that results in an accident.• Turn off the camera when onboardaircraft.Using wireless devices onboard may hindersafe operation of the aircraft.Monitor• Do not push the monitor forcibly; otherwisethe image may become vague, resulting ina playback mode failure or damage to themonitor.• A strip of light may appear on the top/bottomof the monitor, but this is not a malfunction.• When a subject is viewed diagonally in thecamera, the edges may appear zigzagged onthe monitor. This is not a malfunction; it willbe less noticeable in playback mode.• In places subject to low temperatures, themonitor may take a long time to turn on or itscolor may change temporarily.When using the camera in extremely coldplaces, it is a good idea to occasionally placeit in a warm place. The monitor exhibitingpoor performance due to low temperatureswill recover in normal temperatures.• The monitor of this product is manufacturedwith high-quality accuracy, however, theremay be a stuck or dead pixel on the monitor.These pixels do not have any influenceon the image to be saved. Because of thecharacteristics, the unevenness of the coloror brightness may also be found dependingon the angle, but this is due to the structureof the monitor. This is not a malfunction.Legal and Other Notices• Olympus makes no representations orwarranties regarding any damages, orbenefit expected by using this unit lawfully,or any request from a third person, whichare caused by the inappropriate use of thisproduct.• Olympus makes no representations orwarranties regarding any damages or anybenefit expected by using this unit lawfullywhich are caused by erasing picture data.Disclaimer of Warranty• Olympus makes no representations orwarranties, either expressed or implied, byor concerning any content of these writtenmaterials or software, and in no eventshall be liable for any implied warranty ofmerchantability or fitness for any particularpurpose or for any consequential, incidentalor indirect damages (including but not limitedto damages for loss of business profits,business interruption and loss of businessinformation) arising from the use or inabilityto use these written materials or softwareor equipment. Some countries do not allowthe exclusion or limitation of liability forconsequential or incidental damages or ofthe implied warranty, so the above limitationsmay not apply to you.• Olympus reserves all rights to this manual.WarningUnauthorized photographing or use ofcopyrighted material may violate applicablecopyright laws. Olympus assumes noresponsibility for unauthorized photographing,use or other acts that infringe upon the rights ofcopyright owners.Copyright NoticeAll rights reserved. No part of these writtenmaterials or this software may be reproducedor used in any form or by any means, electronicor mechanical, including photocopying andrecording or the use of any type of informationstorage and retrieval system, without the priorwritten permission of Olympus. No liabilityis assumed with respect to the use of theinformation contained in these written materialsor software, or for damages resulting fromthe use of the information contained therein.Olympus reserves the right to alter the featuresand contents of this publication or softwarewithout obligation or advance notice.