280Image stitching area In the layout window, the images to be stitched together are displayed.You can select the stitching method from the following:ParallelThis is suitable for joining parts of a map.CylindricalUse this for a conventional panorama that extends horizontally in a largepart of a circle.SphericalUse this to create a fish-eye image when you have taken shots extending intwo directions (e.g. 2 by 2 images).PerspectiveUse this to create a flat wide-angle lens perspective when you have takenshots extending in two directions (e.g. 2 by 2 images). This isrecommended for architectural or other shots including straight lines.Selecting an image file and clicking the [Remove] button remove theselected file from the preview display area, excluding the file from thepanorama image.In the preview window, the preview image after stitching is displayed. Youcan select the display size – [Large] (100%), [Medium] (70%), or [Small](50%) and the background color.To cancel stitching and return to the state before stitching, click the [Tryagain] button.[Stitch] button Stitches the selected images together.[Save] button Displays the [Save As] dialog box.[Try again] button Cancels stitching and returns to the state before stitching.Zoom In Zooms the preview image in.Zoom Out Zoom the preview image out.Fit to Window Resizes the image display to fit the preview display area.No. Item Description