855 Click an image in the thumbnail area and click the [Add] button. Alternatively,drag an image from the thumbnail area onto the layout.No. Item DescriptionLayout Selects a desired layout. The selected layout is displayed in the previewdisplay area.Size Check this checkbox to resize the image placed in the preview displayarea.Select the unit (mm or inch) by clicking the [▼] button.You can specify the size in 0.1 mm or 0.01 inch increments by clickingthe [▲] or [▼] button.If you are using a layout with a single image, you can set the size from10 mm or 1 inch to as large as the frame size.If you are using a layout with two or more images, you can set the sizeas large as the frame size and until a certain margin is left between theimages.Check the [Maintain Aspect Ratio] checkbox to resize the imagemaintaining the original aspect ratio.Fit to Frame Check this checkbox to resize the image to fill the frame in the previewdisplay area. To use border-free printing, select this option and set theborder-free printing function to ON in the printer settings of yourprinter.Print Date Check this checkbox to print the shooting date (date or date and time) inthe lower right corner of the print. Click [Date] or [Date & Time] toselect whether to print only the date or both date and time.