61ENMoviesIMAGE SIZE IMAGEQUALITYContinuous recording lengthInternal memorySTYLUS-9010/μ-9010 STYLUS-7040/μ-7040 STYLUS-5010/μ-5010WithsoundWithoutsoundWithsoundWithoutsoundWithsoundWithoutsoundL 1280×720L 19 min.53 sec.20 min.13 sec.19 min.53 sec.20 min.13 sec.9 min.13 sec.9 min.22 sec.M 29 min. 29 min. 29 min. 29 min. 18 min.9 sec.18 min.44 sec.8 640×480L 39 min.9 sec.40 min.25 sec.39 min.8 sec.40 min.24 sec.18 min.9 sec.18 min.44 sec.M 75 min.51 sec.80 min.43 sec.75 min.50 sec.80 min.42 sec.35 min.10 sec.37 min.25 sec.9 320×240 L 75 min.51 sec.80 min.43 sec.75 min.50 sec.80 min.42 sec.35 min.10 sec.37 min.25 sec.IMAGE SIZE IMAGEQUALITYContinuous recording lengthSD/SDHC memory card (1 GB)STYLUS-9010/μ-9010 STYLUS-7040/μ-7040 STYLUS-5010/μ-5010WithsoundWithoutsoundWithsoundWithoutsoundWithsoundWithoutsoundL 1280×720L 10 min.32 sec.10 min.42 sec.10 min.31 sec.10 min.42 sec.10 min.31 sec.10 min.42 sec.M 20 min.43 sec.21 min.24 sec.20 min.43 sec.21 min.23 sec.20 min.43 sec.21 min.23 sec.8 640×480L 20 min.43 sec.21 min.24 sec.20 min.43 sec.21 min.23 sec.20 min.43 sec.21 min.23 sec.M 40 min.10 sec.42 min.44 sec.40 min.9 sec.42 min.43 sec.40 min.9 sec.42 min.43 sec.9 320×240 L 40 min.10 sec.42 min.44 sec.40 min.9 sec.42 min.43 sec.40 min.9 sec.42 min.43 sec.The maximum fi le size of a single movie is 4 GB, regardless of the capacity of the card.Increasing the number of pictures that can be takenEither erase unwanted images, or connect the camera to a computer or other device to savethe images, and then erase the images in the internal memory or card. [ERASE] (p. 18, 38),[ERASE EVENT] (p. 38), [SEL. IMAGE] (p. 38), [ALL ERASE] (p. 38), [MEMORY FORMAT]/[FORMAT] (p. 40)