En15Menus and settings1 Press m/Y to display the top menu.2 Use the arrow pad (1243) to select menu items, and press o to set them. IMAGE QUALITYSet the image quality of the picture you will shoot according to its intendedpurpose. RESETReturn the changed shooting functions back to default settings. CAMERA MENUAdjust various shooting settings. SETUPSet the date, time, language, and operation sound, etc. DEMOPress o to display the camera’s features on the monitor. SCN (Scene)Select the scene according to the subject and shooting condition when thes mode is selected. SILENT MODEMute operational sounds that occur during shooting and playback,warningbeeps, shutter sounds, etc.1 From the top menu of playback mode, select[ERASE] -> [ALL ERASE], and press o.2 Select [YES] and press o.All the pictures are erased.Top MenuOKMENUSETUPSETUPIMAGEQUALITYIMAGEQUALITYRESETRESETDEMODEMOCAMERAMENUCAMERAMENUSILENTMODESILENTMODEEXIT SETTop menu in shooting modeErase All PicturesOKSETMENUBACKYESNOCAUTION ERASING ALLCAUTION ERASING ALL[ I N ]ALLALL ERASEERASE