Brightening the subject againstbacklight [SHADOW ADJ]......../:_ CAMERA MENU _ SUABQW ADJ ........: _ ,_::_N BEAUTY_1ONShoots without using [SHADOWADJ].The camera finds a person'sface that has been darkened bybacklight and makes it appearbrighter for taking the picture.(Point the camera toward thesubject. Check the frame thatappears around the face detectedby the camera, and then press theshutter button to take the picture.)For some subjects, the frame may notappear or may take some time to appear.@_'_When set to [ON], [ESP/E_] (p. 32)is automatically fixed to [ESP], and[AF MODE] (p. 32) is automatically fixed to[FACE DETECT].Selecting a scene mode accordingto the shooting situation[_ SCENE MODE]......_ SCENEMODE ..................................................................................................._ In _N mode, the optimum shootingsettings are pre-programmed for specificshooting scenes. For this reason, settingsmay not be changed in some modes.i LANDSCAPE/P_ NIGHT SCENEW*_ NIGHT+PORTRAIT*V€_, SPORT/_ INDOOR/CANDLEWSELF PORTAIT/SUNSETWFIREWORKSWt CUISINE/_ DOCUMENTS/_IF_BEACH & SNOW/s_ UNDERWATERSNAPSHOT/_1 UNDERWATER WIDE1/_2 UNDERWATER WIDE2/UNDERWATER MACRO/_ PRE-CAPTURE MOVIE/8SNOWThe camera takes apicture in the modefor the shootingscene._ When the subject is dark, noise reduction isautomatically activated. This approximately doubtesthe shooting time, during which no other picturescan be taken.To shoot with the selected mode"Using the best mode for the shooting scene(SeN mode)" (p. 19)E.