7OperationTo check the machine functioning, just turn the “start” regulator knob clockwise (placing yourself in front of theknob), and starting from the minimum, observe if the pilot lamp turns on. When the pilot lamp is on, it meansthat the machine is functioning.1. Thermostat.2. Pilot Lamp, it indicates that the grill is on.FIRST USE OF THE MACHINEWhen the machine is delivered, the steel surfaces are protected with a nylon anti-scratch film and residualsof glue. This film and glue has to be removed before starting the machine. Do not use sharpening tools,flammable or abrasive substances. The insulating materials used during the manufacturing and the residuals ofgrease and glue may produce smoke during first operation. It is necessary to start the machine outdoors, for aminimum of 15-20 minutes before normal use.WARNING: When you place the product on the grid to cook, it will be hot. Pay attention to cooking operationsto avoid burning dangers.To load the product follow this procedure:1. Place yourself in a correct position (see Figure 5), avoiding any contact with the machine;2. Choose the correct temperature using the knob;3. When the griller is hot, place the product and start the cooking;4. At the end of the cooking, remove the food and residuals from the grill;5. If the griller is inactive for a long period (one or two hours), place the knob to 0°C and unplug.If the machine has been turned off longer than 30 min., allow at least 10 min. for it to reach cookingtemperature again. If you are not using the machine, but you think you are going to need it soon, set thetemperature at 120 F, this will allow the machine to reach cooking temperature faster.Fig. 4:Controlswitchespositioning.21