Y O U R P H O T O S , V I D E O S , A N D M U S I C1336C H A P T E R3 Set any of the following preferences:Effects: Sets the color palette for thecurrent picture or video. You cannotchange an item’s palette after you takethe picture or video.Prompt sound: (Pictures only) Sets thesound that plays before you takethe picture.Shutter sound: Determines whether asound plays when you take a picture.Microphone: (Videos only) Turns themicrophone on and off so that you canrecord videos with or without sound.Resolution: Sets the default size fornewly captured pictures or videos.Date stamp: (Pictures only) Determineswhether the date the picture is takenappears on your pictures.Review photos/videos: Determineswhether you can review pictures orvideos before saving them and howquickly they are automatically saved.Auto naming: Assigns a name to aseries of pictures to be captured, suchas Seattle001, Seattle002, and so on.4 Select Done.Pictures & VideosViewing a pictureIn addition to viewing the pictures youcapture with the built-in camera, you canview pictures captured on many populardigital cameras or downloaded from the