W E L C O M E 3What do I need toget started?This guide helps you set up your andquickly learn to use it. To get started, youneed all the items that came in the Treo680 box (see What’s in the box? ), plus thefollowing:• A SIM card. If your Treo 680 box did notcontain a SIM card, you need to contactCingular Wireless to get one. Be sure tosign up for a mobile account with dataservices. To use your Treo 680 on theCingular Wireless network, the SIMcard must be inserted into your Treo680. Without a SIM card, you can onlycall 911.• You must be in a location where you arewithin coverage of the CingularWireless network.• An electrical outlet• The computer with which you want tosynchronize your personal informationNOTE To use email, web browsing, andmultimedia messaging, your CingularWireless service plan must include dataservices. Please contact Cingular Wirelessfor details about your data service options.