T|X Handheld 165reset button 5, 149resetting local settings 137restarting handheld 149rotating the screen 13running out of space 128Ssavingattachments 114contacts 65information 146memos 78notes 80tasks 72schedules 63, 70See also appointments; calendarschedulingappointments 68–69reminders 65scheduling conflicts 63screenaligning 142caring for 25changing colors of 133changing fonts for 139, 140frozen 5, 149, 150landscape and portrait views 13not responding 4, 5viewing information on 2screen rotation 13Screen rotation button 13scrolling 68SD memory cards 128SDIO accessories 128SDIO cards 128searching for information 66Secure Digital input/output (SDIO) 128securityWEP Encryption 89Wi-Fi 89WPA-PSK 90security optionscontacts 75, 82handheld 28, 95, 144Security settings 134Select a Color Theme dialog box 133Select Font dialog box 140Select User dialog box 32semicolon (;) characters 113Send To Handheld droplet 10sendingemail 97, 113text messages 84, 95, 120, 121service (defined) 98Service pick list 98Set Date dialog box 138Set Time dialog box 69, 138setting alarms 71, 72, 82settings 23See also preferencessharingfiles 84information 4, 77, 131photos 33sharing information 28Short Message Service See SMSapplicationshort messages 120side panel controls 4Silent profile 143sketching 77slide shows 38, 45Small bold icon 140Small font icon 140small fonts 135SMS applicationadditional information for 123benefits of 120installing 8messages 121opening 121, 122sending text messages 121SMS messaging 8SMTP servers 111soft resets 149software 150See also specific applicationadding other 128included on handheld 6Solitaire 7song files See audio filessong formats 46song lists 57songs 56Sort by pick list 81sortinginformation 75, 82notes 81sound filesSee audio filessounds 143Sounds & Alerts screen 143speaker 5, 143special characters 18specifications 153