Installation manualContinue the installation of the walls by strongly forcing the wall logs into one another. If necessary,use the hitting block and hammer. At the same time, do not forget to begin the installation of the doorand windows. You should definitely begin the door installation after the 5th-6th layer of logs.Door and windowDoorframe: If it is a double door, thedoorframe is supplied inseparate parts due totransportation requirements andyou will have to begin byassembling it. To do this, place together the 4parts of the frame and screwthem onto one another. Make sure that the part of theframe with the deeper notch isinstalled upwards. The lateraljamb parts have hinges and aremirrored. It is recommended to install theleaves later. If it is a single door, its frame andleaf are supplied alreadyassembled.Doorframe installation (Only necessary for a double door!):Door installation:The doorframe is placed at theformed aperture and pushed withforce onto the lower log. If it is adouble door, place the leaves on thehinges now. To open and close thedoor, fit the separately packaged lockand handle.Window installation:Continue with the installation of the wall logs until you reach the window height. The wall plans (seeTechnical specifications) show how many logs go under the window. Install the window similarly withthe door. Just like the door, push the window frame with the window into the window aperture onto thelower log, applying force. Make sure that the window is not fitted backwards (topsy-turvy).ADVICE: Definitely make sure that the windows and doors open in the proper direction. The doorsalways open from the inside to the outside. The tilt&turn windows open to the inside. The revolvingand the slinging windows open to the outside (the window handles are on the inside).ATTENTION: It is not necessary to fix the doors and windows to the wall logs! If you wish to do this, itwill be sufficient to fix them with a couple of screws in the lower part of the frame because as they dry,the wall logs will begin subsiding.You can conduct the final adjustments of the doors and windows only some 2-3 weeks after the houseinstallation, when the house will have become adapted to weather conditions and its logs settled.