MAINTENANCE NOTESAUTO OFF FunctionThe following error messages will display and the tape counterwill flash if an abnormality occurs while the tape is traveling (ifthe tape becomes slack, for example). In this case, consultwith the shop where you purchased your unit.Check PointsELEVATOR TroubleLOADING TroubleCYLINDER LOCKREEL LOCKTENSION TroubleError MessageDEW IndicatorIn case of dew detection (excessive moisture in the unit) thesafety device of this unit will operate in order to protect thecassette tape and video head.eln case of dew detectionThe “-/ '" mark in the tape counter lights up.AUDIO LIMITERDOLBY NRTIME CODESERVO LOCKIf a cassette tape is inserted, it will be automaticallyejected. Wait until “ co” mark goes out with the powerswitch turned “ON”. It may take a few hours, although itdepends upon conditions.Do not insert fingers or any other objects into the videocassette compartment.Avoid operating or leaving the unit near strong magneticfields. Be especially careful of large audio speakers.Avoid operating or storing the unit in an excessively hot,cold, or damp environment as this may result in damageboth to the recorder and to the tape.This unit is supplied with a 3-prong grounded ACplug—do not try to defeat its purpose.Do not spray any cleaner or wax directly on the unit.lf the unit is not going to be used for a length of time,protect it from dirt and dust by using the dust cover.Do not leave a cassette in the recorder when not in use.Do not biock the ventilation slots on the top of the unit.a 47Notes:Dewisformedunderthesameprinciplethatconden-sationwillformonwindowpanesinaheatedroom,anditmaybe evident in the following circumstances:einaroomwheretheheaterhasjustbeenswitchedoninthewinter.@inaroomwherethereisahighlevelofmoistureorsteam.¢in a warm room when the video recorder has been broughtfrom a cold location.Video Head CloggingGood Picture Snowy PictureThevideoheadsarethemeansbywhichtherecorderplacespictures onthetapeduring recording,andreadspicturesfromthetapeduringplayback.In the unlikely even that they become dirty enough to beclogged, no picture will be recorded or’played back. This caneasily be determined if, during playback of a known good tape,there is good sound, but no picture (picture is extremelysnowy). If this is the case, have the recorder checked byqualified service personnel.Cleaning the VTRWipe the VTR with a clean, dry cloth. Never use cleaningfluids, chemicals or wax.Keep water awayKeeptheVTRawayfrom flowervases,tubs,sinks,etc.CAUTION:Ifliquidsshould bespilledintotheVTR,seriousdamagecouldoccur.IfyouspillanyliquidintotheVTR,remove powerandconsultqualifiedservicepersonnel.Use this unit horizontally and. do not place anything onthe top panel.™@ Cassette tape can be used only for one-side, onedirection recording. Two-way or two-track recordingscannot be made.@ Cassette tape can be used for either Colour or Black &White recording.™ Do not attempt to disassemble the recorder.There are no user serviceable parts inside.@ If any liquid spills inside the recorder, have the recorderexamined for possible damage. Remove power im-mediately.@ Refer any needed servicing to qualified service person-nel.FieeeNESEOEaeaaEe