MAINTENANCEREGULAR MAINTENANCEThepurposeofperiodicmaintenanceistopreservethefunctioningofthismachinethroughoutit’susefullife.Theuserorservicedealershouldperformthesemaintenanceregularlytoensurethatmaximumutilityisobtainedfromthemachine.REGULAR MAINTENANCE IS NECESSARYTheVCPisacomplicatedpieceofequipment.Itcontainsmanybelts,rollers,headsetc.,whichbecomeworn,anddeteriorateastimegoesby,causingtrouble.Dustanddirtwillalsoimpedetheproperfunctioningofthemachine.Intightofthis,itisveryimportantthat overallmaintenancebedoneaccordingtothemaintenancecharttomaintainthefunctionsof theVCP,andtoavoidaccidentalproblems.Thismaintenanceshouldalsobeperformedafteranyrepairsaredoneontheequipment.REGULAR MAINTENANCE IS RECOMMENDEDTheVGPusedforbusinessapplicationsrequiresparticular attentionforseveralreasons.Theinstallationconditionsandapplica-tionsarenotalwaysthebest.Longuse times,orpoorenvironmentalconditionsmayadverselyaffectthelifespanandperformanceofthemachine. Regularmaintenanceassuresthatthepurchaserobtainsthemaximumvaluefor thisexpenditure. Accordingly,thenecessityofregularmaintenanceshouldbefullyexplainedatthetimeof sale,as wellasduringafter-sale repairs.MAINTENANCE CHARTThe following periodic maintenance is required to prolong the life of the machine.Since the parts are keyed to the Inner Parts Location Diagram, when you replace the following parts, refer to the diagram.Unit or HourPart No. 2000 3500 |4000Tape Transporters e e e @ | 2-11, 2-12, 2-13AIC Head VBRO147 e e fe) @ | 2-13, 2-14, 2-15Upper Cylinder Unit VEHO414 ° ° © )Lower Cylinder Unit VEG0529 e e e {e)Supply Reel Table Unit VXRO113 _[e e e eTakeup Reel Table Unit VXRO113 e e e eDD Capstan Unit |vewores e e e iS)Pressure Roller VXG0013S e { Q) e eBrake Lever (L) Unit VXZ0148. © (e)Brake Lever (R) Unit VXZ0149 (2) fe)Loading Belt (1) VDV0122 (2) 1) aLoading Belt (2) VDV0135 (2) fo) —Elevator Motor Belt VDV0144 12) (2) —Ree! Motor (Supply) KFNS6DB3AS (9) (eo) aReel Motor (Take Up) KFNS6DB3AT © © —-Loading Motor Unit sah VEM0135, co) overtHour Meter VSE0036 (2) becameLoading Base Unit VXA1334 a —Cam Gear Section andHyper Pressure Section —— sTension Arm Unit VXL1739 2-16, 2-17* NOTE:Symbol Maintenance Requirement RemarkWipe dirt from the parts using soft cloth impregnated with FreonTF or Ethyl-Alcohol.Note: When cleaning rubber parts, avoid using excessive alcoholsince it may accelerate deterioration of these parts.After cleaning with alcohol, wipe the alcohol quickly andthoroughly.Freon TF, Ethyt-alcohol ore Cleaning Cleaning Liquid(Purchase locally)°e ReplacementMolytone Greases Greasing mmoneag Wipe the old grease and apply new grease.'iie