[22 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES3-2-1. COARSE ADJUSTMENT OF THE TAPE GUIDEPOST HEIGHTS (P1, P2, P3 AND P4)* Note:1. The Tape Guide Posts have been preciselyadjusted at the factory.Therefore, normally do not change the heightof the P1 and P4 Posts.The following adjustment is required onlywhen replacing the posts.2. If the curling is apparent proceeded to theP4 Post, wipe dirt from the Pressure Rollerand Capstan Shaft using a soft clothimpregnated with Freon TF or cleaning liquid.3. To prevent the alignment tape from beingdamaged, use a normal cassette tape for thisprocedure.* Equipment Required:Post Height Adjustment Fixture (P1).VFK0344Post Height Adjustmen 4)seen WPKO345,Nut Driver (Purchase Locally)Check Light... VFK0343Tape RunningFigure M4 Tape Transport Posts.A. Adjustment and Confirmation of the P1 PostHeight4. Remove the Top Panel and the Front LoadingUnit.2. Set the P1 Post Height Adjustment Fixture asshown in Figure M5 and M6.* Note:The P1 Post Height Adjustment Fixture must beset on the Polished Portion of Chassis nearthe P1 Post.P1 PostSame HeightP1 Post AdjustmentFixturePolished Portion: Loading Baseof Chassis ChassisFigure M52-11Polished Portion of ChassisokP1 Post Adjustment P1 Post Cylinder UnitFixtureFigure M63. Confirm the lower flauge of the P1 Post is assame height as upper edge of the P1 Post HeightAdjustment Fixture. (Figure M5 and M6)'f the height is not same, adjust the P1 PostHeight by the Nut Driver.Finally, play back the ending portion of NV-£180 cassette, and confirm that the lowerflange of the P1 post just touches the bottomedge of the tape by using the Check Light. Ifthere is waving or frilling at the lower orupper edge of P1 Post, readjust the Height ofP1 Post correctly. (Figure M7)No GoodTurning Directionfor CorrectionFigure M7B. Adjustment and Confirm of the P4 Post Height* Note:1. Prevent any damage for the P4 Post, so_set orremove the P4 Post Height Adjustment Fixturecarefully.2. Confirm that the P4 Post Height AdjustmentFixture is SET on the Chasses perfectly, whenadjusting P4 Post Height. Do not put the wireof connector P6705 near the P4 Post betweena P4 Post Height Adjustment Fixture andassis.e