66Cannot read/write to afloppy diskUnable to write to a floppydiskHow to format a floppydisk is unclearUnable to read/write to thehard diskWhen the previous item isnot the causeThe address map for IRQ,I/O port address, etc. isunclearA USB device does notworkIt is not easy to hear of themicrophone soundWindows 2000Check the address map by going to [View] - [Resources by type] in [Control Panel] -[System] - [Hardware] - [Device Manager].Windows XPCheck the address map by going to [View] - [Resources by type] in [Control Panel] -[Performance and Maintenance] - [System] - [Hardware] - [Device Manager].Make sure a driver is installed.Contact the manufacturer of the product.1 Windows 2000Select on the taskbar.Windows XPSelect on the taskbar.2 Select [Options] - [Properties].3 Check [Playback] and then add the check mark for [Microphone], then select [OK].4 Select [Options] - [Advanced Controls].5 Select [Advanced] in [Microphone].6 Delete the check mark for [Microphone Boost] and then select [Close].7 Click in the top of right corner of the window.Connecting PeripheralsDealing with Problems (Advanced)Has the floppy disk been correctly inserted?Has the floppy disk been correctly formatted?Has the Setup Utility been used to set [Floppy Operation] to [Enable]? ( page 55)Your disk content may be corrupted.Is the floppy disk write-enabled?Windows 2000Select [Format] in [My Computer] - [3 1/2 Floppy (A:)] - [File]. After confirming thedisk volume and format type, start formatting.Windows XPSelect [Format] in [Start] - [My Computer] - [3 1/2 Floppy (A:)] - [File]. After confirmingthe disk volume and format type, start formatting.Your drive or file may not have been properly set.Check to see if the hard disk is full. If it is full, delete unnecessary files.Your hard disk content may be corrupted. Contact Panasonic Technical Support.Try testing another drive or media.Disk OperationsWrite Enable Write DisableWrite-protect Tab