104Dealing with Problems (Advanced)When resuming from the standby orhibernation mode, [Enter Password]does not appear even if a passwordhas been set in the Setup Utilityz Even when a password has been set in the Setup Utility, [Enter Password] doesnot appear when the computer resumes from the standby or hibernation mode.If you want to use the security function when using the standby or hibernationmode, use the Windows password as follows:Windows XPSelect the account to change in [Start] - [Control Panel] - [User Accounts] andset the password, then add the check mark for [Prompt for password whencomputer resumes from standby] in [Control Panel] - [Performance andMaintenance] - [Power Options] - [Advanced].Windows 2000Set the password in [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Users andPasswords], then add the check mark for [Prompt for password when computergoes off standby] in [Control Panel] - [Power Options] - [Advanced].When the administrator password isforgottenz Set the password again in the following procedure.Windows XPIf you have created a password reset disk (⇒ Operating Instructions "First-timeOperation"), a message is displayed when you fail to correctly enter thepassword. Follow the message's instructions and set the password again byusing the password reset disk.If you have not created a password reset disk, after reinstalling, setup Windowsand then set the password again.Windows 2000After reinstalling, setup Windows and then set the password again. Starting Up