66 CQ-C9800/9700U CQ-C9800/9700U 67EquipmentConnect any optional equipment such as anamplifi er, according to the instructions furnishedwith the equipment. Leave about 12q (30 cm) ofdistance between the speaker leads/amplifier unitand the antenna/antenna extension cord. Readthe operating and installation instructions of anyequipment you will connect to this unit.PowerConnect the red power lead to the correct car radiowire or to the appropriate fuse port on the fuseblock.If the stereo unit functions properly with all theseconnections made, disconnect the wires andproceed to the fi nal installation.Final InstallationLead ConnectionsConnect all wires, making sure that each connectionis insulated and secure. Bundle all loose wires andfasten them with tape so they will not fall downlater. Now insert the stereo unit into the mountingcollar.Congratulations! After making a few fi nal checks,you’re ready to enjoy your new auto stereo system.Final Checks1. Make sure that all wires are properly connectedand insulated.2. Make sure that the stereo unit is securely held inthe mounting collar.3. Turn on the ignition to check the unit for properoperation.If you have diffi culties, consult your nearestauthorized professional installer for assistance.ENGLISH47ENGLISH48Connect All LeadsNow that you have identified all the wires in thecar, you are ready to begin connecting them to thestereo unit wires. The wiring diagram (page 70)shows the proper connections and color coding ofthe leads.We strongly recommend that you test the unitbefore making a fi nal installation.You can set the unit on the floor and maketemporary connections to test the unit. Useelectrical tape to cover all exposed wires.Important:≥ Connect the red power lead last, after you havemade and insulated all other connections.GroundConnect the black ground lead of the powerconnector to the metal car chassis.SpeakersConnect the speaker wires. See the wiring diagram(page 70) for the proper hookups. Follow thediagram carefully to avoid damaging the speakersand the stereo unit.The speakers used must be able to handle morethan 60 W (70 W ) of audio power.If using an optional audio amplifi er, the speakersshould be able to handle the maximum amplifieroutput power. Speakers with low input ratings canbe damaged. Speaker impedance should measure4–8 ≠, which is typically marked on most speakers.Lower or higher impedance speakers will affectoutput and can cause both speaker and stereo unitdamage.Motor AntennaConnect the car motor antenna lead to the dark bluemotor antenna relay control lead.(Do not confuse the antenna lead with blue/whitestripe lead for a power amplifi er.)BatteryConnect the yellow battery lead to the correct radiowire or to the battery fuse port on the fuse block.AntennaConnect the antenna by plugging the antenna leadinto the antenna receptacle.Installation Guide (continued)Identify All LeadsThe fi rst step in installation is to identify all thecar wires you’ll use when hooking up your soundsystem.As you identify each wire, we suggest that you labelit using masking tape and a permanent marker. Thiswill help avoid confusion when making connectionslater.Note:≥ Do not connect the power connector to the stereounit until you have made all connections. If thereare no plastic caps on the stereo hooking wires,insulate all exposed leads with electrical tape untilyou are ready to use them. Identify the leads inthe following order.Power LeadIf your car has a radio or ispre-wired for one:Cut the connector wiresone at a time from the plug(leaving the leads as longas possible) so that you canwork with individual leads.Turn the ignition on to the accessory position, andground one lead of the test bulb to the chassis.Touch the other lead of the test bulb to each of theexposed wires from the cut radio connector plug.Touch one wire at a time until you fi nd the outletthat causes the test bulb to light.Now turn the ignition off and then on. If the bulbalso turns off and on, that outlet is the car powerlead.If your car is not wired for an audio unit:Go to the fuse block and find the fuse port for radio(RADIO), accessory (ACC), or ignition (IGN).Battery LeadIf your stereo unit has a yellow lead, you will needto locate the car’s battery lead. Otherwise you mayignore this procedure. (The yellow battery leadprovides continuous power to maintain a clock,memory storage, or other function.)If your car has a radio or is pre-wired for one:With the ignition and headlights off, identify the carbattery lead by grounding one lead of the test bulbto the chassis and checking the remaining exposedwires from the cut radio connector plug.If your car is not wired for an audio unit:Go to the fuse block and find the fuse port for thebattery, usually marked BAT.SpeakersIdentify the car speaker leads. There are two leadsfor each speaker which are usually color coded.A handy way to identify the speaker leads and thespeaker they are connected with is to test the leadsusing a 1.5 V AA battery as follows.Hold one lead against one pole of the battery andstroke the other lead across the other pole. You willhear a scraping sound in one of the speakers if youare holding a speaker lead.If not, keep testing different lead combinations untilyou have located all the speaker leads. When youlabel them, include the speaker location for each.Antenna MotorIf your car is equipped with an automatic powerantenna, identify the car motor antenna lead byconnecting one bulb tester lead to the car batterylead and touching the remaining exposed wiresfrom the cut radio connector plug one at a time. Youwill hear the antenna motor activate when you touchthe correct wire.AntennaThe antenna lead is a thick, black wire with a metalplug at the end.CQ-C9800U