11.1.2. Pumping downProcedure:1. Confirm that both the 2-way and 3-way valves are set tothe opened position.• Remove the valve stem caps and confirm that the valvestems are in the opened position.• Be sure to use a hexagonal wrench to operate the valvestems.2. Operate the unit for 10 to 15 minutes.3. Stop operation and wait for 3 minutes, then connect thecharge set to the service port of the 3-way valve.• Connect the charge hose with the push pin to the Gasservice port.4. Air purging of the charge hose.• Open the low-pressure valve on the charge set slightlyto purge air from the charge hose.5. Set the 2-way valve to the closed position.6. Operate the air conditioner at the cooling cycle andstop it when the gauge indicates 0 MPa (0 kg/cm 2 G).If the unit cannot be operated at the cooling condition(weather is rather cool), short the Pumping Down pinson the Main Control P.C.B.(Simply press the pumping down button if it isequipped.)So that the unit can be operated.7. Immediately set the 3-way valve to the closed position.• Do this quickly so that the gauge ends up indicating 0.1MPa (1 kg/cm 2G) to 0.3 MPa (3 kg/cm 2G).8. Use refrigerant reclaiming equipment to collectrefrigerant from indoor unit and pipes.9. Disconnect the charge set, and mount the 2-way and 3-way valve’s stem caps and the service port caps.• Use a torque wrench to tighten the service port cap to atorque of 18 N.m.• Be sure to check for gas leakage.10. Disconnect pipes from indoor unit and outdoor unit.49CS-C7CKP CU-C7CKP5 / CS-C9CKP CU-C9CKP5 / CS-C9CKP CU-C9CKP6 / CS-C12CKP CU-C12CKP5 / CS-C12CKP CU-C12CKP6