2. Setting Up Your Phone576-40-750 DBS 576 issued March 2001 33Notes:• This task requires a display phone.• You need to know the PSD bin number for the PSD number in order to deletean assigned name. To check the bin number for a key, see “Checking SpeedDial Numbers” on page 54.1. Pick up the handset or press the ON/OFF key.2. Press the PROG key.3. Press the * key.4. Enter 0 for the Name Assignment mode.5. Press the VOLUME key until the desired PSD bin number (80-99) is displayed.6. Press the FLASH key to clear the current/default data.7. Press the HOLD key.Notes:• It is strongly recommended that you assign the PSD bin number as a name forthe key at this point so that it will appear on the display for future use. The binnumber should be entered in the following format: “-PSDxx (or xxx)” wherexx or xxx = the actual bin number. Example: “-PSD901”. For moreinformation, see “Assigning and Deleting Names for PSD Numbers” on page29.• If using a large-display phone, press the MENU key, then the key to the leftof PERSONAL DIALPERSONAL DIALPERSONAL DIALPERSONAL DIAL to have the change reflected on the display.SETTING USER MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONSYou have the option of adjusting several User Maintenance functions. Thetelephone system dealer is not required to make these changes. These items includesettings for:• Date and Time - including date, time, and day of week• Personal Speed Dial (PSD) Assignment - including PSD number and name• System Speed Dial (SSD) Assignment - including SSD number and name• Extension name• Verified Account codeTo delete a name assigned to a PSD number