20 VQT1B74 VQT1B74 21Preparations6 Using SETUP menu Make general camera settings such as adjusting the clock, extending the batterylife, and changing the beep sounds. (Settings method → P.18)Default setting outlined:Item Uses, operations Settings, notesCLOCK SET 1, 2 Set the date and time. Set the date/month/year and time (P.16).WORLD TIME 1, 2 Set the local time at an overseas destination (P.49) (DESTINATION) / (HOME)MONITOR 1, 2 Adjust the brightness of the LCD monitor (7 levels). -3 · · ±0 · · +3GUIDE LINEChange the pattern of the guide lines displayed when takingpictures.Display recording information or histogram together with guidelines (P.33).REC. INFO.(Recording information): OFF / ON HISTOGRAM: OFF / ONPATTERN: /‘PATTERN’ cannot be selected in CLIPBOARD mode (P.58). Recording information andhistogram cannot be displayed.Not displayed in SIMPLE MODE.TRAVEL DATE 1, 2 Record the number of days elapsed in your travels. OFF / SET (P.48)AUTO REVIEWAutomatically display pictures immediately after takingthem.Select display time (seconds).‘ZOOM’ is useful for checking focus.OFF / 1SEC. / 3SEC. / ZOOM 3 (displays for 1 second, then at 4x zoom for 1second)In ‘SELF PORTRAIT’ scene mode (P.42), ‘AUTO BRACKET’ 3 (P.38), ‘BURST’ mode(P.54), or pictures with audio (P.53, 70), auto review performed regardless of setting.Motion pictures cannot be automatically reviewed.POWER SAVEAutomatically shut off power while not in use.(Saves battery consumption)To restore: Press the shutter button halfway, or turn on thepower again.OFF / 1 MIN. / 2 MIN. / 5 MIN. / 10MIN. (Set time before POWER SAVE is initiated)Cannot be used in the following cases:When using AC adaptor (DMW-AC5E, optional), when connected to computer/printer,during motion picture recording/playback, during slideshows (exception: set to 10minutes while slideshow is paused and during ‘MANUAL’ slideshows)Setting fixed to ‘2 MIN.’ in ‘ECONOMY’, and to ‘5 MIN.’ in SIMPLE MODE (P.28) andCLIPBOARD (P.58).ZOOM RESUME 1, 2 Remember the zoom ratio when turning power off. OFF / ON Focus position cannot be stored.Released and cannot be set when using ‘SELF PORTRAIT’ scene mode.ECONOMYRestrict battery consumption when recording.(Dims LCD monitor, automatically shuts off monitor when notin use.)Monitor also shut off during flash battery charging.Status indicator is illuminated while monitor is off.To restore: Press any button.OFF / LEVEL 1 (turned off after approx. 15 seconds of inactivity)/LEVEL 2 (turned offafter approx. 15 seconds, or approx. 5 seconds of inactivity after recording)Cannot be used in the following cases:When using SIMPLE MODE, CLIPBOARD mode ,or AC adaptor (DMW-AC5E,optional), when menu screen is displayed, when using self-timer setting or duringmotion picture recording.LCD monitor not dimmed when using ‘POWER LCD’ or ‘HIGH ANGLE’ (P.34).‘CLOCK SET’, ‘AUTO REVIEW’, ‘POWER SAVE’ and ‘ECONOMY’ are important forclock setting and battery life. Be sure to check these before use.1 Settings also reflected in SIMPLE MODE (P.28).2 Settings also reflected in CLIPBOARD mode (P.58).3 DMC-TZ3 only.