4RQT9038Disc and card informationThis chart shows the different type of retail/commercial discs you can use, and also includes the industry-standard logos that should appear onthe discs and/or packaging.This chart shows the different type of discs recorded with DVD recorders, DVD video cameras, personal computers, etc. that you can use.This mark means you must finalize the disc with the DVD recorder, etc. before playback. For details about finalizing, refer tothe operating instructions for your equipment.Packaged discsType of media/Logo Features Indicated as Type of media/Logo Features Indicated asBD-Video High Definition (HD)movie and music discs[BD-V] DVD-Video High quality movie andmusic discs[DVD-V]CD Compact Discs (CD’s)that contain audio andmusic≥Operation and soundquality of CDs that donot conform to CD-DAspecifications (copycontrol CDs, etc.)cannot be guaranteed.[CD]Recorded discsFinalizedType of media/Logo Formats Indicated as Type of media/Logo Formats Indicated asBD-RE ≥Version 3 of the BD-RERecording Format≥JPEG format[BD-V][JPEG]DVD-R DL ≥DVD-Video Format≥Version 1.2 of the DVDVideo RecordingFormat≥AVCHD format≥DivX format[DVD-V][DVD-VR][AVCHD][DivX]BD-R ≥Version 2 of the BD-RRecording Format[BD-V]rR/rRW/rR DL≥+VR (+R/+RW VideoRecording) Format≥AVCHD format[DVD-V][AVCHD]DVD-RAM ≥Version 1.1 of the DVDVideo RecordingFormat≥JPEG format≥AVCHD format[DVD-VR][JPEG][AVCHD]CD-R/RW ≥CD-DA format≥MP3 format≥JPEG format≥DivX format[CD][MP3][JPEG][DivX]DVD-R/RW ≥DVD-Video Format≥Version 1.1 of the DVDVideo RecordingFormat≥AVCHD format≥DivX format (DVD-RWis not supported)[DVD-V][DVD-VR][AVCHD][DivX]≥It may not be possible to play the above discs in some casesdue to the type of discs, the condition of the recording, therecording method and how the files were created.≥When a disc recorded in the AVCHD format is being played, thevideo may be paused for a few seconds at portions spliced, dueto deletion or editing.FinalizedFinalizedFinalizedFinalized