41RQT7305 Convenient functionsContinued on next pageTabs Menus Options (Underlined items are the factory presets.)DiscContinuedRatingsSet a ratings level to limit DVD-Video play.Follow the on-screen instructions. Enter a 4-digit password withthe numbered buttons when the password screen is shown.pDo not forget your password.p8 No Limit: All DVD-Video can be played.p1 to 7: Prohibits play of DVD-Video with correspondingratings recorded on them.p0 Lock All: Prohibits play of all DVD-Video.pUnlock Recorder pChange PasswordpChange Level pTemporary UnlockRecording Time in EP ModeSelect the maximum number of hours for recording in EP mode(➡ page 17, Recording modes and approximate recordingtimes).pEP (6H): You can record for 6 hours on an unused 4.7 GBdisc.pEP (8H): You can record for 8 hours on an unused 4.7 GBdisc.Play DVD-Audio in Video ModeSelect “Video (On)” to play DVD-Video content on some DVD-Audio.pVideo (On):The setting returns to “Audio (Off)” when youchange the disc or turn the unit off.pAudio (Off)DVD-R High-Speed RecordingWhen high speed transferring (dubbing) a title to DVD-R, it isnecessary to turn this setting “On” before recording to HDD,;however, the screen size, etc. is restricted (➡ right). Werecommend turning the setting “Off” when recording to mediaother than DVD-R.You cannot transfer (dub) titles to a DVD-R using the high speedmode if you recorded the program on a DVD recorder that doesnot have the “DVD-R High-Speed Recording” function, evenwhen transferring (dubbing) to the HDD with this setting “On”.pOn: Makes high speed mode transferring (dubbing) toDVD-R possible. Press [, ] to select “Yes” andpress [ENTER]. [“ ” appears in the transferring(dubbing) list. ➡ page 36]–Pictures are saved at 4:3.–Hybrid VBR Resolution (➡ below) setting is “Fixed”.–For SAP broadcasts use “Select MTS” (➡ page 42).Select the type of audio in advance.pOffVideo 3-D Y/C Separation pOn: Reduces noise by separating the luminance (Y) andcolor (C) signals when recording.pOff: Reduces the ghosting that occurs when recording fastmoving images.Hybrid VBR Resolution(➡ page 46, VBR)pAutomatic: The resolution is automated to provide efficientrecording with less block noise. [HDD] [RAM]pFixed: The resolution is fixed to ensure that there is noloss of source picture resolution while recording.Still ModeSelect the type of picture shown when you pause play(➡ page 46, Frames and fields).pAutomaticpField: Select if jittering occurs when “Automatic” is selected.pFrame: Select if small text or fine patterns cannot be seenclearly when “Automatic” is selected.Seamless PlaySelect the play mode for play list chapter segments.pOn: The chapters in play lists are played seamlessly. Thisdoes not work when there are several audio typesincluded on the play list and when using Quick View.Additionally, the positioning of chapter segments maychange slightly.pOff: The points where chapters in play lists change areplayed accurately, but the picture may freeze for amoment.Line-in NRReduces video tape noise while transferring (dubbing).pWhen noise reduction is on, “3-D Y/C Separation” (➡ above)does not work regardless of the setting.pAutomatic: Noise reduction only works on picture input from avideo tape.pOn: Noise reduction works for any video input.pOff: Noise reduction is off. Select when you want torecord input as is.Black Level ControlSelect normal, lighter or darker for adjusting the black level control to the desired setting for picture enhancement.Input LevelAdjusts the black level of the input signal.pLighter pDarkerOutput Level (Composite/S Video)Adjusts the black level of the output signal from theVIDEO OUT and S-VIDEO OUT terminal.pLighter pDarkerOutput Level (Component)Adjusts the black level of the output signal from theCOMPONENT VIDEO OUT (Y/P B/PR ) terminals.pLighter pNormal pDarkerAudio Search Audio & PLAY M1.3You may hear sound regardless of this setting with some discs.pOn: Audio is heard during first level search forward.pOff: Audio is not heard during search. Quick View(➡ page 25) does not work.D. Range Compression [DVD-V] (Dolby Digital only)Change the dynamic range for late night viewing.pOn pOff