28RQT8881Recording television programmes[HDD] [RAM] [-R] [-RW‹V›] [+R] [+RW]During recordingPress [¥ REC] on the main unit to select the recordingtime.≥You can specify up to 4 hours later.≥The unit display changes as shown below.≥This does not work during timer recordings (➡ 30) or while usingFlexible Recording (➡ 29).≥The unit turns off automatically after the time to stop recording isreached.To cancelPress [¥ REC] on the main unit several times until the counterappears.≥The time to stop recording is cancelled; however, recordingcontinues.To stop recordingPress [∫].[Note]If you do not intend to copy titles in high speed mode to DVD-R,DVD-R DL, DVD-RW (DVD-Video format), +R, +R DL and +RW, set“Rec for High Speed Copy” to “Off”.To specify a time to stop recording—One Touch RecordingOFF 0:30 ""# OFF 1:00 ""# OFF 1:30 ""# OFF 2:00^" Counter (cancel) ,"" OFF 4:00 ,"" OFF 3:00 ,}REC OPEN / CLOSE∫ 1 ¥ RECTIME SLIPTIME SLIPDISPLAYDISPLAYSTATUSSTATUSAUDIOAUDIODIRECT TV RECDIRECT TV RECEXT LINKEXT LINKREC MODEREC MODERECRECMANUAL SKIPMANUAL SKIPCREATECREATECHAPTERCHAPTERFUNCTIONMENUDIRECTNAVIGATORGUIDERETURNRETURNPLAY/x1.3PAUSEPAUSESTOPSTOPSLOW/SEARCHSLOW/SEARCHSKIPSKIPShowViewShowViewCHCHPAGEPAGESELECTINPUT0987654321CHCHAVAVÍTVTVDRIVEDRIVESELECTSELECTÍDVDVOLDELETE PROG/CHECKEXITOKOPTIONRETURN1FUNCTIONMENUDRIVESELECT∫3,4,2,1OKDIRECTNAVIGATORSTATUSNumberedbuttonsRecording settings for High SpeedCopyWhen copying in high speed mode to DVD-R, DVD-R DL,DVD-RW (DVD-Video format), +R, +R DL and +RW, set “Recfor High Speed Copy” to “On” before recording to the HDD.(The default setting is “On”. ➡ 63)However, some restrictions apply:Refer to the “When recording a bilingual programme” and “Aboutthe aspect when recording a programme” for more information(➡ 8).