2PHOTOTEXT/PHOTOTEXTDARKERLIGHTERPAPERTRAYOUTPUTTRAYON LINEDATAON LINEABBRDIRECTORYSEARCHSETALARMTONEACTIVEORIGINAL COPYSIZE SIZEFAXCOPYINTERNETPRINTERZOOM / VOL.START1 2 34 5 67 8 90PQRSGHITUVJKLABCWXYZMNODEFSTOPMULTI-SIZE FEED 1 SIDEDCOPY2 SIDEDCOPY SORTSTAPLESHIFTLEDGERLEGALINVOICELETTERLETTERCLEARDP-2000REDIAL/PAUSEFLASH/SUB-ADDRMONITORCOPIED BLANK MEMORY INBOOK EDGE MARGIN2 PAGECOPY2 in 1OHPOHPRESETENERGY SAVER INTERRUPT FUNCTIONOperation ChartCommon Features and Usage Basic OperationNOTEOriginal1Place theOriginal2Press theCopy Key3Copy Size(Reduction/Enlargement Only)4Numberof Copies5PressSTART Position of the OriginalLoad PaperTurn PowerSwitch OnINVINV LTR LGL LDRLTRLDRINVLTRLGLINVINVOICEINVOICE RLETTER RLEGALLEDGEROriginal GuideC Place originals face down on the platen or face up onthe ADF/i-ADF.C If the original is not positioned properly, a portion of theoriginal may not be copied.C For originals smaller than invoice size, position theoriginal within the area of INVOICE and select invoice. Commonly Used Functions and Operating ProceduresFull SizeMakes a copy that is the samesize as the original 1 4 52Reduction or EnlargementCopies the original at a fixedreduction or enlargement ratio 1 3 42 5C During the copy operation and after making copies, the fan motor may start spinning.This is a normal operation and is used to cool down the copier. Memory CapacityWhen the memory becomes full during original scanning, the message “Function not availablefor lack of memory” will be displayed in the message display. In this case, follow the operatinginstruction in the message display.When additional memory is required, consult with an authorized servicing dealer.(See P.12)(See P.13)