21Book/Edge/MarginNOTEMargin Book KeyEliminates dark inner binding shadows when copying from a book. Edge KeyCreates a blank edge. Margin KeyShifts the image to the right or left.PHOTOTEXT/PHOTOTEXTDARKERLIGHTERPAPERTRAYOUTPUTTRAYON LINEDATAON LINEABBRDIRECTORYSEARCHSETALARMTONEACTIVEORIGINAL COPYSIZE SIZEFAXCOPYINTERNETPRINTERZOOM / VOL.START1 2 34 5 67 8 90PQRSGHITUVJKLABCWXYZMNODEFSTOPMULTI-SIZE FEED 1 SIDEDCOPY2 SIDEDCOPY SORTSTAPLESHIFTLEDGERLEGALINVOICELETTERLETTERCLEARDP-2000REDIAL/PAUSEFLASH/SUB-ADDRMONITORCOPIED BLANK MEMORY INBOOK EDGE MARGIN2 PAGECOPY2 in 1OHPOHPRESETENERGY SAVER INTERRUPT FUNCTION Procedure∗ Initial setting (Factory setting) can be changed in the User Mode function.(See Page 30)∗∗ If a part of the copied image is missing when using the Margin mode,change the Frame Reduction setting to ON.(See Page 30)C To reset each selection, press the RESET key.Book# Press the Cursor (F or G) keys to adjust the void width.(5-99 mm)∗ Initial setting (Factory setting): 20 mm# Press the Cursor (F or G) keys to adjust the void width.(5-99 mm)∗ Initial setting (Factory setting): 5 mm and Equal Rate# Press the Cursor (F or G) keys to adjust the marginwidth. (5-99 mm)∗ Initial setting (Factory setting): 10 mm and Left MarginEdgeMargin**1Place theOriginal2Press Book, Edge orMargin key4PressSTART3Numberof CopiesMaking CopiesBOOK MARGINCENTER VOID = 20mm ∨∧EQUAL RATEVOID MARGIN = 5mm ∧LEFT MARGIN10mm ∨∧